Rumster Energy Ltd

LLCCDC started investigating the potential for a small community owned wind farm in 2006.

A potential site was identified at Golticlay in Rumster.

Below is a chronological list of how the development has been progressing.

2008: A community consultation was held in 2008 and the community supported a 3 turbine development and the purchase of the 40 hectares of clear felled land at Golticlay, Rumster.

2011: The land was purchased in January 2011.

2011: An anemometer mast was erected on the site in January 2011 and continues to provide wind data.

2011: A planning application was submitted in December 2011 for three 900kw turbines.

2012: Planning approved in June 2012.

2020: Potential grid connection date is December 2020.